

由两名教员成立,他们也是慈悲修女会的成员, 慈悲异象暑期奖学金表彰致力于帮助物质贫困的学生, 为了和平与正义, 并与倡导团体合作,代表服务不足的个人, 这一切都与慈悲修女会的使命一致.

Fellowship recipients will approach the materially poor and the underserved in the tradition of Catherine McAuley, 仁爱修女会的创始人. 他们将致力于促进个人和社区的人类状况, 尤其是那些贫困的人, 弱势的或受压迫的. Recipients are selected through a competitive application process by a committee of Sisters of Mercy and 亚洲博彩平台排名 representatives.


The Vision of Mercy Summer Fellowship is designed for sophomores and juniors (with a preference for juniors) who already have a foundation in community engagement and are seeking an in-depth experience working on a public issue of interest related to their academic program.

拨款3元,000 provides opportunities for students to pursue in-depth work on an issue through placement at an organization while laying the groundwork for independent community-engaged research. 优先考虑以Aquidneck岛为基础的工作建议, 但罗德岛州各地的工作申请也会被考虑. 学生将在申请中详细说明他们对某一特定问题的关注和经历, 但不需要确定要与之合作的组织.

在接受申请人的建议后, 社区参与与服务中心 staff will work with fellowship recipients to identify an appropriate placement with an organization. 在为期五周的暑期实习之后, 鼓励学生在下一学年展示他们的奖学金反思.

欲知更多亚洲博彩平台排名慈心异象暑期奖学金的资料, 打电话给凯利·鲍尔斯, 社区参与和服务中心主任, at (401) 341-2440.

  • 必须是本科生吗, 良好的学术地位, 本学年入学, 谁将会在接下来的学年回到索尔雷贾纳. 一学年期间在国外学习一学期的学生可申请.
  • 必须表现出对物质贫困的承诺, 为了和平与正义, 并与倡导团体合作,与“慈悲修女会:移民”的关键问题保持一致, 地球, 种族歧视, 非暴力与妇女.
  • Must submit an application highlighting your commitment to individuals and/or populations impacted by one of the critical concerns, identifying the partner organization with whom you would be working and reflecting on how this fellowship might inform your future vocational or professional interests.


  • Contact information for two 亚洲博彩平台排名 references (one must be a faculty member who can speak to the applicant's academic abilities and skills).
  • 1-2页, 单行距奖学金提案,包含申请人暑期计划的清晰构想, 包括感兴趣的领域, 可能的社区组织, 可能的位置, 项目类型, 目标人群以及工作将如何与学术追求交叉.
  • 更新后的简历.

  • 描述你对世界和你所在社区的仁慈和正义的愿景. Explain how you have developed this understanding and commitment and what your vocational and professional hopes are beyond 亚洲博彩平台排名. 描述一下你过去帮助贫困人口的经历, 致力于促进和平与正义, 和/或倡导和行动有关的关键问题的慈悲姐妹. 包括机构或倡导团体的名称,服务的日期和地点等细节. Reflect on how these experiences and your studies at 亚洲博彩平台排名 have shaped your larger vocational and professional aspirations related to our mercy mission.
  • 详细描述你对奖学金的具体建议, 包括当地的, domestic or international community-based organization you will partner with and your proposed project within the fellowship. 包括你的奖学金地点的联系信息, 建议服务日期及建议作为奖学金一部分的活动, 还有你的预算提案(最多3美元),000). 也要描述你对解决特别重要的问题的愿景,这是你们团契的焦点, 反思为这一关键问题提供信息的更大的结构性现实, 并且考虑你的团契如何与当地或全球这些更大的实相结合.

Finalists will be invited to participate in an interview process with the director of community engagement and service, 负责任务整合的副总裁和奖学金委员会的成员.


以社区为基础的组织参与关键问题; 申请人有责任与非营利组织联系,安排他们的奖学金承诺. 到申请的时候, 你应该与你想要的实习单位联系,讨论奖学金经历的计划. 凯利的权力, 社区参与和服务中心主任, 是否有机会支持未来的奖学金学生决定一个合适的社区组织.

位置限制: 由于安全和其他风险管理方面的考虑,研究员不能在有非法移民的国家工作 三级或四级旅行建议 是由美国政府签发的.S. 国务院.

时间的承诺: 学员预计每周在非营利机构工作约30个小时, 本地社区组织, 暑假期间在国内或国外旅游五周或更长时间. Fellows are unable to receive monetary compensation from the organization for their work without special approval from the director of community engagement and service.

资金用途: 奖学金获得者最多可获得3,000美元的资助. 这笔补助金可用于支付交通费, 住宿和项目费用, and may also be used as a stipend for students who engage in unpaid work at their community partner during their fellowship. 奖学金不能用于正式的海外学习项目. 申请时需要提供一份指定资金使用的完整预算.

形成与反思: 研究员需参加2次预备会议(1).5小时/次). Fellows are also required to maintain a reflection blog during the fellowship period and submit a reflection report following the fellowship experience. 在他们获得奖学金后的秋季学期, fellows are also required to participate in a daylong retreat to discuss and reflect upon their summer fellowship. 秋季学期出国留学的同学将在春季学期参加研修. Fellows may also be asked to participate in selection and preparation for the following year’s fellowship recipients.

  • Complete the project proposal and submit to the 社区参与和服务中心主任 before the start of the fellowship
  • 6月和8月通过Zoom与奖学金获得者进行小组会议
  • One-on-one meetings with the 社区参与和服务中心主任 during the fellowship and at the completion
  • 完成2-3张幻灯片,用于9月与亚洲博彩平台排名社区成员的圆桌讨论
  • 向下一届奖学金学生推广慈悲异象暑期奖学金
  • 撰写并提交三篇带照片的博客文章(见附件中可能存在的问题/思考)
  • 和你的导师一起创建并完成一份前后调查

  • 1500美元的支票将在5月和9月发放.
  • 学生需要在IRS接受后提供
  • 请参考奖学金收入政策的税务申报.

受奖人由慈善异象奖学金/奖学金委员会选出, 一个由大约5-7个人组成的自我延续的群体, 她们中的大多数都是慈悲会的修女, 仁慈协会的会员或索尔维·里贾纳的校友.

潜在的受助人由委员会根据所要求的标准协商一致选出, 特别强调申请人提案的内容和质量, 奖学金面试和支持信的力量. 理想的接受者会像凯瑟琳·麦考利(Catherine McAuley)的传统那样接近物质贫困和服务不足的人, 仁爱修女会的创始人. 获奖者将致力于改善个人和社区的人类状况, 尤其是那些贫困的人, 弱势的或受压迫的. 简而言之,他/她将致力于倡导慈悲修女会的核心价值观.


主要: 刑事司法与犯罪学,辅修西班牙语
奖学金网站: 扭转各部

“透过我的慈悲团契异象, 我明白了,如果你真的努力,你真的可以改变别人的生活. 在我的整个项目中,我能够看到我每天所做的工作是如何产生影响的. 即使是那些看起来不那么重要的小任务也会对社区产生巨大的影响. 看到所有的小任务汇聚成一个大项目真是太棒了."

主要: 心理学,辅修神经科学
奖学金网站: St. 圣母升天学校的玛丽

“虽然我不确定自己想要从事什么职业, I am certain that I want to work in an environment where I am able to make a positive impact on those I work with and the larger community. 这个奖学金帮助我看到了我希望有一天能找到的那种工作环境. 在学校里,有很强的社区意识. 每个人都乐于助人, 他们对自己行为的影响都非常谨慎, 并寻求对学生和整个社区产生最积极影响的解决方案. I feel as though everyone that I was able to work with during this experience has helped me to learn how I will strive to carry myself in my future career and in the world in general. Their strong values around service and promoting the growth of the people around them have provided me with a strong example of what I hope to bring to a future work environment."

主要: 社会工作
奖学金网站: EDGE新泽西

“在学术层面上, 我对自己的教育经历比以往任何时候都更加感激. This was one of the first times I got an opportunity to exercise a lot of what I learned in the classroom and it demonstrated to me that I've learned a lot more than I thought. 反之, 我觉得这次经历真的改变了我在课堂上度过时间的方式. 我觉得我将以一种新的视角进入大四. 特别是, 进入大四实习阶段, I feel like I have a better understanding of how to make the most out of any experience while also sharing the skill I already have and I look forward to making that change moving forward."

主要: 社会工作
奖学金网站: 更高的边缘

"I have been able to see and be a part of an agency (that I didn’t even know existed before) that helps students in my area with navigating college and applications. 我能够传播这个词,以帮助更多想要在该地区继续接受教育的孩子. 这次经历让我看到了我成长的地区更多的社区. 我非常感谢找到了更高的边缘并了解了他们是亚洲博彩平台排名什么的. I have always wanted to work with students in the realm of social work and this fellowship has deepened my desire for this and given me a glimpse of these students and their lives. 这让我对我的未来更加兴奋."


主要: 文化与历史保护,辅修意大利研究
奖学金网站: 新港社区学校

“我的慈悲愿景计划的想法是出于需要,”巴扎说. 汤普森中学的学生们, 在回到学校全职学习之后, 同学之间粗鲁行为的增加是否会让教职员工感到担忧.与特雷西·谢伊合作, 纽波特社区学校的校长, 她发起了一项倡议,让索尔维·里贾纳学院的学生担任大厅监督员. 巴扎制定了一个培训计划,并概述了资格要求和期望. 她还制定了一项激励计划,旨在促进汤普森学生群体的非暴力.


Generation Teach recruits high school and college students to address racial injustice and inequity in education by engaging elementary and middle school students in summer learning. 戈麦斯说:“今天的教育机会与几年前不同. “该系统仍有改进的空间.在为期一个月的实习期间, 她和项目主管一起工作, 参加部门会议,并与其他助教和支持人员合作. 戈麦斯说:“找到一个你感兴趣的组织可能会很困难。. “我很感谢Salve提供了这个机会. 我期待着为种族不公正和教育不平等做出贡献."

主要: 市场营销,辅修工商管理
奖学金网站: 自行车新港

在学年期间,Kaszuba在自行车新港担任志愿者服务倡导者. 当有机会申请奖学金时, 她知道她不能错过在纽波特最繁忙的季节服务的机会. 在整个研究期间, Kaszuba帮助组织了自行车新港的数据库, 协助自行车租赁,设计宣传租赁项目的海报. 她说:“我在拜克纽波特和我的奖学金期间学到了很多东西. “虽然我并不确切地知道我的暑假将包括什么, 我非常喜欢它,并通过这个机会有一个伟大的经验."

主要: 刑事司法与犯罪学,辅修心理学
奖学金网站: conconsion latin Newport

conconsion latin Newport支持该市的西班牙裔/拉丁裔社区. 该组织提供诸如购房讲习班和疫苗接种诊所等资源, works to address the root causes of immigration and seeks to provide a better life for immigrants on Aquidneck Island. 在她的研究期间, 凯勒亲身经历了说西班牙语的居民在寻求帮助时所面临的困难. 她努力将Conexion Latina的消息传播给罗德岛州的雇主, 维护网站,联系移民律师协助组织. "Working alongside incredible people and learning more about the problems in the community was a great experience for me,凯勒说.